Pokud jde o vlhkost, stoupá v zimním období, zejména v severní části země; Průměrná relativní vlhkost dosahuje 80% na severu země, 40% na dalekém jihu země a mezi 60% a 70% na pobřeží Rudého moře a na Sinajském poloostrově. V létě klesá v červenci a relativní vlhkost v pobřežních oblastech dosahuje v červenci a srpnu mezi 60% a 70%, zatímco na dalekém jihu země klesá na 20%. V přechodných obdobích, kterými jsou jaro a podzim, je relativní vlhkost médium mezi zimou a létem.
International medicines, medicinal herbs and natural remedies Welcome, we offer you important news in the field of medicine and public health, medicines and physical therapy with an international license - Medicines are shipped from international companies of quality and confidence to all countries - Medicines vary between natural remedies, vitamins and general tonics, sweets with a taste that contain the best minerals And important vitamins for the body, medicines for children, women and men, this is just a summary, you can go to the page of each product to find out all the information in detail about each product: Product No. 01 (ProFlexen) Joints treatment (X38) ProFlexen is an innovative food supplement that supports healthy joints. The multi-ingredient formula makes it unique and highly effective. The product improves joint mobility and provides essential nutrients to maintain healthy bones. ProFlexen is recommended for people who want their joints to function properly. The effect...
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